
Seth Andrew Davis × Aoki satoru – Dizzy

I collaborated with Kansas City based musician Seth Andrew Davis and after a month of back and forth, we have completed this project, and I have recorded a few more songs with Seth, which will be released as an album later this summer. Hopefully it will work out.

[jp] カンザスシティ在住の音楽家 Seth Andrew Davis さんとコラボしました。一ヶ月かけてやり取りして仕上がりました。どうぞよろしく。また Seth さんとのコラボは 他に 何曲か録音しており、夏以降に アルバムとしての公開も 予定されています。うまくいけばいいです。

Seth Andrew Davis × Aoki satoru - Dizzy
Prepared guitar/Electronics: Seth Andrew Davis - Kansas City, MO, United States
Prepared bass: Aoki satoru - Tokyo, Japan
Released - February 19, 2021.

Seth Andrew Davis