
[news] Prepared Bass C99 [streaming]

The album “Prepared Base C99”, which was distributed at the Comic Market event held in Tokyo at the end of last year, is now available on Apple Music and other services.Please have a listen.

[jp] 昨年末の コミケで 頒布した アルバム『 Prepared Bass C99 』の 配信が Apple Music 等で 始まりました。どうぞよろしく。

Aoki satoru – Prepared Bass C99 – 17th Album
prepared bass: Aoki satoru
Voice: Rie Nakano (tracks 9 to 10)

Artwork by Aoki satoru
Mixed & Mastered by Aoki satoru
December 31, 2021 [ TOD 205 – 214 ] [ TODA 17 ]

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